I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Nila


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Let's make your book perfect

Books are the best escape from real life. And as an author, you will want to keep your readers immersed in your story, lost in the world you have created. And errors and typos in the prose can lead to negative reviews. 

But with a conscientious editor like me by your side as your biggest cheerleader, you will feel supported from the first page to last. 

Having edited more than 127+ manuscripts of all genres in the past 8 years, I can confidently say I look carefully at each sentence & word with a fine-tooth comb and steadfast patience, to ensure that the grammar, style, and mechanics are correct—all the while maintaining your voice. 

line Editing


Authors, Let's Work Together

Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Check similar sounding words

Modify words that are repeatedly used in a sentence and throughout the story

Correct the tenses

This also includes suggestions for making a few lines flow smoother to give vivid imagery to the scene.

Time taken would depend on the word count and the amount of work needed in the manuscript.

Charges would be $0.016 per word for a single pass.

Send a request for charges for dual pass.

Rushed charges would increase by $80–150 depending on the word count and time duration.

I use Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster dictionary as my reference points.

I use Microsoft Word track changes

get your book edited by me

This would be the final proofreading to check if all the Is are dotted and Ts are crossed so your book is ready for publishing.



I would go over each line and word in your book at least thrice, with CMS and Merriam's dictionary open by my side, along with reading the lines out loud. 

Line Edit


After you make the changes written in the comments on the manuscript, there would be a second round of developmental editing to deep dive into the story. 

Beta Edit


This would be the first round of developmental editing. You can either send me the entire book or chunks of chapters at a time

Beta Edit


what you can expect in my developmental editing

The detailed of 4 rounds of edit will work with each other and edit scenes, rewrite lines to make the prose flow and to develop the book, chapter by chapter, and make it shine.

This could be done chapter-wise so that each chapter feels perfect or in chunks of chapters or the whole book.

Charges for all the rounds of developmental editing would be $0.032/word of the final word count of the chapters/book.

Time taken could be anywhere between 2 to 4 months, structured to each manuscript.

If only a single round of developmental reading is needed, charges would be $0.018/word of the final word count. 


People don't buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.

Developmental editing + complete rewriting of book

This includes developmental editing + rewriting of nearly the entire book + adding dialogues and depth to the scenes to give a shine to the story.

I offer this to writers whose books I have beta read and after sending a sample of my writing.

This would be done section or chapter-wise so that each part of the book feels complete.

Charges would be $0.08 per word in the final edit of each chapter, depending on the amount of work needed (which will include copy editing and proofreading).

Time taken could be anywhere between 3 to 5 months, structured to each manuscript.

Payment & Disclaimer

Payment would be via PayPal directly through this page 

Alternately, I can send you an invoice.

Charges would be rounded off to the next whole number.

All charges are for single pass editing. Charges would increase for multiple passes. 

Ideally, a book should have developmental editing, then line editing and proofreading done.

For long term services for multiple books, direct bank deposit via WISE is also possible (which will include its service fee in the final charges).

My work on your book will start only after a pre-decided booking amount reaches me.

I take full payment in advance for beta reading, line editing, and proofreading due to the misdemeanors of a couple of authors.

No refund.

If the book is part of a series, do send me the previous book in epub format, so that it would be easier for me to understand the characters.

These charges would remain the same until December 2024.

Hi there! I'm so excited to start this journey with you. 
If you have a book project and believe we’d be a good fit, simply shoot me an email with details through this form to get the conversation started.
If you have not already, I recommend checking out all my packages + process and my testimonials. 

How To Reach Me

For beta reading/ editing - Short blurb + Word count + genre

instagram / twitter handle

normal/expedited delivery


How did you hear about me


first name

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Thank you for contacting me. You can expect to hear back within 24-48 hours.

Check your spam folder if you don't find my email in your inbox

OTHER services

Are you struggling to find the time to set up your Showit website template? Do you have content ready but lack the energy or expertise to fill in the blanks and customize your website?
My new service is here to help you! I provide efficient, hassle-free assistance in setting up and customizing your Showit website template with the data you provide. With my help, you can have a professional-looking website ready to launch without the stress and time investment.

Customize Your showit website

Complete Shopify Setup: Full setup of your Shopify account (starter plan), including product listings, categories, and necessary settings.

Let me help you seemlessly integrate the Shopify store with the existing Showit website.

Integrate Shopify seamlessly

I have used Nila for a second time as her feedback from reading my first novel was invaluable. So much so, I have since signed with a publisher. I have just received her comments for my second novel and I am as impressed as I was the first time. She is so thorough, incredibly encouraging and offered wonderful guidance, explaining what a reader is getting out of the novel and what is missing, how my characters make the reader feel and where their behaviour or dialogue is inconsistent. She has highlighted where the plot slows or grates and she offers thoughts on how, as a reader, she would like the story to progress. I hope she does this for many years to come as I have a long writing career planned and I don't want to do it without her amazing insight and advice.

Nila's feedback SO was so valuaable 

She was extremely thorough with her feedback and provided excellent notes that really helped me to understand what my book needed in order to become successful. She provided an in-depth analysis of each character and each chapter, and it was JUST what I needed. I had edited my novel several times over the past few months, and I felt “stuck” on what else could be improved upon (although I knew it wasn’t perfect… it needed SOMETHING). Turns out, it needed another set of eyes from a professional reader, who was able to tell me where I was lacking and where I was thriving. She pointed out the negatives and the positives, and it made me feel like I was definitely headed in the right direction. With Nila's assistance, I now feel that I can make this book something even greater- and hopefully begin queries late this year or early next year.

Nila was SO amazing when beta reading my 140k romance/fantasy 

Manuscript completed? Check. Proofread? Check. It's time to send it to Nila! She will point out any issues with plot, characterization, flow, grammar or misspelled words, and make note of anything that doesn't work. Nila's beta reading services are invaluable and I highly recommend her to anyone who's seeking an honest beta reader. I always rely on her helpful feedback before publishing a new book. You can't go wrong with Nila. Thanks Nila!

Working with Nila is MAGIC!

Nila's kind but she doesn't mince words. She's a very astute beta reader, who can go straight to the root of the problem. Sometimes it may feel like a root canal, but she does it with a little novacaine so it won't hurt so much. But in the end, you're going to get a much better book. I appreciate her honesty. She's given me great feedback that will greatly improve my book. It's hard to take criticism sometimes, but we all need someone to tell us what works and what doesn't and give us a way forward. I'm back at it again, cutting out a lot of excess baggage, which should quicken the pace essential to my genre. Thanks to Nila, I'll have a much better chance of getting published

Working with Nila is TOUGH LOVE!

Hiring Nila as my developmental editor was the best decision I have made for my manuscript. She provided detailed feedback on every aspect of the story and found plot holes that my beta readers and I failed to catch. She pointed out all the flaws in my work in a positive way. She was patient and truly cared about my writing voice. I worked with her for more than a year and witnessed how passionate she is about her work. 

Nila - My editor for all my future stories

Nila is a highly skilled author assistant. Working with her is an absolute pleasure. She is prompt, detail-oriented, organized, cheerful, and thoughtful.

Hands down the BEST PA I've had

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